We grow the following products:

Conference, Doyenne du Comice, B.A. Lucas, Gieser Wildeman & Bonne Loiuse.           

apples: Elshard (Elstar), Junami, Golden Delicious & Wellant.

Elshard is our own mutant of Elstar. Elshard is different to Elstar in that it is harder, has an intense bright red colour, a higher sugar and acid content and is insensitive to peel spots. Apples can cause an allergic reaction, however we have experienced that this is not the case with Elshard. (We still advise that the correct precautions be taken )

Cherries:  Kordia, Regina, Burlat, Hertford, Marchant & Vanda

Certifed for AH-DLL grow ADD-ON.

On a smaller scale we also grow: Triomphe de Vienne, Cox’s d’Orange Pippin, Rode Boskoop, Pinova and Delcorf , all available in the farm shop “De Fruitschuur” in Werkendam and “hole in the wall” system in Nieuwendijk.